To implement Table component into your project you’ll need to add the import:
import Table, {TableHead,TableBody,TableRow,TableCell,TableFooter,} from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Table";
After adding import into your project you can use it simply like:
Table below contains all types of the props available in the Table component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children | React.Node | The content of the Table, normally TableHead or TableBody . | |
compact | boolean | false | If true , the Table will have more compact styles. |
dataTest | string | Optional prop for testing purposes. | |
id | string | Set id for Table. | |
striped | boolean | true | Functionality of table where every second line is grey |
type | enum | "primary" | The type of Table. |
type |
"primary" |
"secondary" |
There are four subcomponents which you need to use.
import TableHead from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Table/TableHead";
Table below contains all types of the props in TableHead component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children | React.Node | The content of the TableHead, normally TableRow . | |
dataTest | string | Optional prop for testing purposes. |
import TableBody from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Table/TableBody";
Table below contains all types of the props in TableBody component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children | React.Node | The content of the TableBody, normally TableRow . | |
dataTest | string | Optional prop for testing purposes. |
import TableRow from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Table/TableRow";
Table below contains all types of the props in TableRow component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children | React.Node | The content of the TableRow, normally TableCell . | |
dataTest | string | Optional prop for testing purposes. |
import TableCell from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Table/TableCell";
Table below contains all types of the props in TableCell component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
align | enum | "left" | The align of text in the TableCell. |
as | enum | "td" | Possibility to render TableCell in different HTML. |
children | React.Node | The content of the TableCell. | |
dataTest | string | Optional prop for testing purposes. | |
scope | enum | Can be set only when as="th" . Identifies whether a table header is a column header or a row header. See the Accessibility tab. | |
verticalAlign | enum | The vertical align of the content in the TableCell. | |
whiteSpace | enum | The white-space setting of text in the TableCell. |
align | whiteSpace | VerticalAlign | as | scope |
"left" | "nowrap" | "baseline" | "th" | "col" |
"center" | "pre" | "middle" | "td" | "row" |
"right" | "pre-line" | "top" | "colgroup" | |
"normal" | "bottom" | "rowgroup" |
import TableFooter from "@kiwicom/orbit-components/lib/Table/TableFooter";
Table below contains all types of the props in TableFooter component.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children | React.Node | The content of the TableFooter, normally TableRow . | |
dataTest | string | Optional prop for testing purposes. |